Alien Encounter of the Third Kind

In this dream, I see a baby in a pram. The baby has three eyes! I think to myself it’s okay, some babies have three eyes. It grabs my hand, and it is so powerful. It takes effort to free myself from the alien baby’s grip.

The alien baby depicts the purity (baby) of true nature (alien). A further important element of the dream is the direct encounter/contact with the alien baby which Almaas describes as an ‘alien encounter of the third kind’ and ‘necessary awakening’.

In the first kind of encounter, you hear or read about something; In the second kind of encounter, you know it more directly but still from a distance. In an encounter of the third kind, you are immediately in touch with the thing itself as it is. You see it, shake hands with it, look into its eyes, touch it, feel it, know it, and talk to it. This is a direct encounter-as close an encounter as you can have with an other, with something you haven’t met before. For essential activation to happen, we need to have a clear encounter of the third kind with true nature, and it needs to be as complete as possible and happen as many times as possible.

This means not only experiencing it, but experiencing it in its purity, experiencing it as it is. (Almaas, 2017, p. 21)

In the dream, I think to myself that it is okay for some babies to have three eyes, indicating acceptance of the unique, and radically different other.

Necessary awakening is the direct experience and recognition of true nature as the unique, radically different, and miraculous truth that it is.

There is a further realisation possible, which Almaas calls ‘primary awakening’ or alien encounter of the fourth kind which occurs in the Living Stone.

And primary awakening is more than this kind of close encounter of the third kind with true nature; it is realizing true nature by experiencing and knowing that it is what we are.  (Almaas, 2017, p. 46)